NWAPA Ridgeline Winter Showcase
Our mission is to provide the students of the Ridgeline High School band program a state-of-the-art music education. Please use this page to connect to the variety of ways you can help our students through your use of apps like Amazon, Venmo or our various events.
Ridgeline Band Boosters
Ridgeline Craft Fair
PO Box 896
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
NWAPA Ridgeline Winter Showcase
The NWAPA is proud to present the Ridgeline Winter Showcase featuring winterguard and percussion groups from the Pacific Northwest.
General Admission is $15 at the door.
Merchandise for purchase provided by our official event merchandiser, FINE DESIGNS
Event schedule and information will be coming soon.
We look forward to seeing you on March 22nd.
Ridgeline Craft & Vendor Fair
We are currently sold out of vendor spots. If you would like to get on our waiting list for cancellations or be considered for our 2025 fair, click on the link below to access our craft fair page:
PNW Marching Band Championships
Spectacle of Sound 2024
Meal Sponsorships & Donations
Thank you so much for your generous gift!
It's donors like you that make our work possible.
Your contribution is enabling us to support the amazing performing arts programs at Ridgeline High School.
You can help us achieve our goals, BIG or small by directly purchasing items we need from our Amazon Wishlist.